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Hey there, I’m Ashutosh Sharma, and today we’re delving into the exciting realm of competitive analysis in our ongoing Link Management series. If you’ve been following along, you already know how crucial backlinks are for boosting your website’s authority.

Now, let’s talk about gaining a competitive edge through a strategic competitive analysis.

Table Of Content

  1. Understanding Competitive Analysis
  2. The Why Behind Competitive Analyses
  3. Unveiling the Competitive Analysis Toolkit
  4. How Often Should You Do a Competitor Analysis?
  5. Conclusion

Understanding Competitive Analysis

Competitive analysis is like the Sherlock Holmes of business strategies. It involves the meticulous gathering of data on your competitors—studying their products, dissecting their sales techniques, and unraveling the mysteries of their marketing strategies. Think of it as a roadmap to identify strengths and weaknesses, paving the way for discovering untapped opportunities.

This investigative process isn’t just a business luxury; it’s a necessity. Picture this: you’re in a crowded market, jostling for attention. How do you rise above the noise? Competitive analysis is your answer.

The Why Behind Competitive Analyses:

Conducting regular competitive analyses is the secret sauce for any business aiming to thrive in a fiercely competitive market. Here’s why:

Understanding your Market and Industry: It’s like having a compass in the wilderness. Know your surroundings, understand the lay of the land.

Comparing Results: Ever heard the phrase, “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer”? Well, it applies here. Knowing your competitors’ performance is key to outshining them.

Identifying Strategy Gaps: Your business strategy is like a puzzle, and your competitors might have a piece you’re missing. Identify those gaps and complete the picture.

Developing Unique Strategies: Uncover what makes you special. Build strategies that shout your unique value proposition from the rooftops.

Staying Ahead of the Game: The business world is like a chessboard; anticipate your competitors’ moves to stay ahead.

Unveiling the Competitive Analysis Toolkit:

The elements you scrutinize in your competitive analysis will depend on your specific goals and industry. For instance:

  • An online pet store might focus on the range of products offered by competitors.
  • A SaaS company would likely analyze features and pricing pages.

To kickstart your competitive analysis, consider these seven universal factors:

  1. Keywords and SEO Ranking
  2. Content Strategy
  3. Social Media Presence
  4. Backlink Profile
  5. Product/Service Offerings
  6. Pricing Strategies
  7. Customer Reviews and Feedback

How Often Should You Do a Competitor Analysis?

Think of competitive analysis as a dynamic strategy rather than a static snapshot. You should ideally perform this detective work at least every quarter, or even monthly. Why? Because the digital marketing landscape is a dynamic entity, constantly shape-shifting.

Consider more frequent analyses when:

  • Launching a new product or service
  • Entering a new market or segment
  • Facing new competitors or losing market share
  • Adjusting pricing, positioning, branding, or messaging


In the ever-evolving digital marketing dance, doing a competitor analysis isn’t a one-time waltz—it’s an ongoing tango. Set a schedule, stick to it, and let competitive analysis be your guiding star. Stay ahead of the curve, gain that competitive edge, and watch your business soar to new heights. Until next time, happy analyzing!

Ashutosh Sharma

A digital strategist with over 2 years of experience in SEO, Website Development, and AR filters, Ashutosh Sharma specializes in crafting innovative digital solutions that drive results. He enjoys exploring emerging trends and translating them into impactful strategies for clients. When not working on digital projects, Ashutosh enjoys diving into the latest tech advancements and has a keen interest in discovering new digital tools

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