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AR filters, short for Augmented Reality filters, have rapidly gained popularity on social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook.

They are no longer just a whimsical addition but a powerful tool for brands to engage with their audience.

In this guide, we’ll explore the world of Branded AR Filters and discover the incredible benefits they bring to the table.


What are AR Filters?

Benefits of AR Filters

  1. Enhanced Brand Awareness
  2. Engaging User Interaction
  3. Viral Marketing Potential
  4. Valuable User Data
  5. Staying Ahead of the Curve


What are AR Filters?

Before we dive into the benefits, let’s first understand what AR filters are.

Augmented Reality filters are digital overlays that alter the appearance of the real world when viewed through a smartphone or computer camera.

These filters use computer-generated images and effects to enhance or modify a user’s face, surroundings, or both. In essence, they bring a touch of magic to our everyday lives.

Benefits of Branded AR Filters

Now, let’s unveil the captivating benefits that Branded AR Filters offer:

1. Enhanced Brand Awareness

Branded AR Filters are a creative way to promote your brand’s identity. By incorporating your logo, colors, and unique designs into filters, you can instantly boost brand recognition among your audience. Users become walking billboards, spreading your brand’s image across social media platforms.

Example: Sephora’s Virtual Try-On

Sephora, the cosmetics giant, introduced a virtual try-on AR filter that allows users to experiment with different makeup looks. This not only increased their brand’s visibility but also enhanced the customer’s shopping experience.

2. Engaging User Interaction

AR filters aren’t just passive advertisements; they encourage user interaction. By gamifying the experience or offering incentives, brands can prompt users to engage with their filters. This interaction fosters a stronger connection between your brand and your audience.

Example: McDonald’s Snaplications

McDonald’s used an AR filter that turned users into McDonald’s employees, complete with a virtual uniform. Users could apply for a job while having fun with the filter, turning a mundane task into an engaging experience.

3. Viral Marketing Potential

The shareability of AR filters is unparalleled. When users share photos or videos with your branded filter, it reaches their entire network, exponentially increasing your brand’s exposure. It’s a cost-effective way to tap into the power of viral marketing.

Example: Gatorade’s Super Bowl Filter

Gatorade’s Super Bowl AR filter allowed users to simulate being doused in Gatorade, a famous tradition during the Super Bowl celebrations. The filter quickly went viral, creating a buzz around the brand before the big game.

4. Valuable User Data

Branded AR Filters provide insights into user behavior and preferences. You can gather valuable data on user engagement, demographics, and usage patterns. This data can inform your marketing strategies and help you tailor your content to better resonate with your audience.

Example: NARS Cosmetics’ Shade Finder

NARS developed an AR filter that helped users find their perfect shade of foundation. By analyzing user data, NARS gained a deeper understanding of their customers’ preferences, leading to product improvements and targeted marketing campaigns.

5. Staying Ahead of the Curve

Adopting Branded AR Filters demonstrates your brand’s commitment to innovation and staying relevant. It positions your business as forward-thinking and tech-savvy, attracting tech-savvy consumers who appreciate cutting-edge experiences.

Example: Gucci’s AR Shoes

Gucci launched an AR filter that allowed users to “try on” their shoes virtually. This innovative approach set Gucci apart as a fashion brand that embraces technology to provide unique shopping experiences.


In conclusion, Branded AR Filters offer a plethora of benefits, from increased brand awareness to user engagement and valuable data collection. By incorporating AR filters into your marketing strategy, you not only stay ahead of the curve but also create memorable and shareable experiences for your audience. So, why wait? Dive into the world of AR filters and watch your brand’s magic come to life in the digital realm.

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